How to Shop and Eat Seasonally for Your Health

Eric J Garrett

October 21, 2022

Eric Garrett

Eating seasonally can have several benefits, including increased health and a reduced environmental impact. Seasonal foods also taste better and can improve your diet. You can buy fruits and vegetables during their growing season, attend Farmers’ markets, or join a CSA program. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Growing your food

Growing your food is a beautiful way to eat seasonally, learn about your climate zone, and learn about the various varieties of fruits and vegetables available in your area. Not only will you be able to eat fruits and vegetables in their freshest form, but you will also be able to connect with Mother Nature and enjoy a slower pace of life. Whether you have a small backyard or acreage, growing your food is a beautiful way to improve your health and ensure you eat the freshest produce possible.

Growing your food also has other benefits, including learning about the growing cycle and reducing your grocery bill. In addition, eating seasonally saves money because in-season produce is cheaper than out-of-season foods. You can also reduce the amount of food you waste by preserving in-season produce.

Farmers’ markets

Buying seasonal foods will increase the nutritional value of your diet. In addition, buying food in season is an excellent way to support local farmers and the economy. You will enjoy its best health benefits and lower your grocery bill by purchasing produce during the peak season. Seasonal produce is also available at farmer’s markets, which helps support local artisans.

Another benefit of buying seasonal foods is that you’ll be less exposed to pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. These chemicals are harmful to the environment and can contaminate our bodies. Seasonal produce will also be fresher, meaning less time for transportation, forced ripening, refrigeration, and other harmful processes.

CSA programs

CSA programs can help you eat more seasonal, local foods and support local farmers. With a CSA, you pick up your produce at the farm rather than purchase it in a grocery store. This also supports local farmers by reducing plastic waste and long-distance transportation.

CSA programs work weekly or biweekly, and members receive boxes of fresh produce each week. Most farms will have a designated pickup location, while others will deliver your package directly to your home.

Shopping at local grocers

Shopping at local grocers for your food is not only good for your health, but it also helps to support local agriculture. This helps to reduce the monopoly of big farms on the agricultural business. However, these local food resources aren’t always comprehensive. So you may not be able to find everything you need in the area, but you can still find something close to your locality that’s good for your health.

When shopping for groceries, consider your and your family’s health. Many local grocers are starting to cater to health-conscious customers with innovative health programs. A few of these include dietitian counseling, nutrition labeling programs, produce prescriptions, and healthy recipes. In addition, many grocers are also building digital platforms incorporating personalized health tools. These efforts aim to improve customer loyalty and create a more engaging shopping experience.

Buying in season

Buying in season is a great way to eat healthier and save money simultaneously. When you purchase produce in season, you are less likely to be exposed to harmful pesticides and fungicides. These chemicals deplete the soil, pollute water, and can cause health issues. Also, purchasing seasonal foods can support local farmers and the environment. It also requires less refrigeration, transportation, and chemical processing.

Buying in season also means that you can get the highest nutritional value. Fruits and vegetables in season are harvested closer to their optimal ripeness. Additionally, seasonal produce has lower transportation costs, which helps keep the price down for consumers. Seasonal fruits and vegetables can also be found on sale at grocery stores.

Saving money

Fresh produce in season is an easy and affordable way to stretch your grocery dollar. The best part is that produce is often grown locally, reducing travel costs. Also, eating foods that are in season means that they are more delicious and have more nutrients. Finally, you can save money year-round by planning your meals around what is in season.

You can save money by eating more fruits and vegetables by eating locally grown food. This is because produce in season is at its peak, so its price is lower. It’s also better because in-season produce has more vitamins and minerals. In addition, you can save money by preserving or freezing your produce in the fridge or freezing it.