10 Tips for Eating Locally and Cutting the Energy Cost

Eric J Garrett

March 7, 2023

Eating locally and seasonally has become a popular trend. Local food production has a lot of health, economic, and environmental benefits. Eating locally means less travel and lower CO2 emissions. It also helps reduce the energy cost of food production.

Eat with the seasons

You may have heard that eating locally can help cut the cost of energy. However, it isn’t a magic bullet for all energy issues.

Eating locally means purchasing your fruit and vegetables from your local area rather than shipping them thousands of miles. This reduces the amount of energy used and emissions emitted by transportation.

Support your local farmers

Buying local foods means less energy and emissions are used to transport the food from the farm to your table. This also helps keep your food fresh and reduces the chance of contamination, which can lead to illness.

One of the best ways to support your local farmers is by purchasing a CSA share. These shares often arrive directly at your door. Some CSAs even offer SNAP and subsidized shares for low-income families.

Buy local fish

Buying local fish is a simple way to cut your energy costs and support local communities. You can do this by shopping at your local fish market or grocery store.

Local seafood usually travels through only a few supply chain links, so it’s likely that your fishmonger knows where the fish came from and how it was caught. This also helps ensure that it’s fresher when it gets to you.

Eat local meat

Buying local meat is a great way to cut down on your energy costs and support a sustainable, eco-friendly lifestyle. It also helps you avoid processed meats that are less healthy for your body and the planet.

The local food movement encourages consumers to eat foods that are grown locally or within 100 miles of their homes. While this is a noble goal, it should not be seen as inherently more eco-friendly than food produced farther away.

Eat local dairy

Buying local dairy products is another easy way to cut your energy costs. It is also an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.

The ‘Eat Local’ movement claims that reducing food miles reduces greenhouse gas emissions. However, transportation is only responsible for a small portion of food’s total carbon footprint.

Eat local eggs

Eggs are an easy way to add local foods to your diet. They’re a delicious source of protein and essential vitamins, but it’s important to make sure you’re eating fresh eggs from hens that were well-treated and raised in a humane manner.

Pastured hens produce healthier, tastier eggs than conventional ones. They’re also better for the environment.

Eat local honey

If you suffer from seasonal allergies, local honey may help relieve your symptoms. The idea is that eating local honey acts like a vaccination against the pollen in your area.

However, there isn’t much research to support this theory. Instead, it’s more like a folk remedy.

Eat local bread

Buying bread that’s locally made means it will be fresher than foods that are shipped from across the country or even the world. This translates to less food waste, and it also helps support the local economy!

In many communities, bakers are thriving because they make delicious bread with the help of local grains that are milled on-site. This helps create a sustainable food infrastructure for farmers and enables them to sell more products, such as meat, bread, and cheese.

Eat local coffee

Coffee is a big part of the morning routine for many people. But it can also be a big energy user.

If you’re looking to cut down on your energy costs, consider consuming local coffee instead of coffee beans from afar. You’ll not only be supporting your local community, but you’ll also be reducing your carbon footprint. This will help protect the planet and your health.

Eat local desserts

For most Americans, the best way to save energy is by eating less. That is certainly the case for many, but for those with more of a sweet tooth, consuming local desserts may be an easier proposition than you might think. Fortunately, there are several high-tech and delicious options to help keep your sweet tooth in check. Here are just a few.